Brew install android sdk
Brew install android sdk

Platform Tools include the Android debug shell, sqlite3 and Systrace. The Build Tools primarily include aapt (Android packaging tool to create. The SDK Tools primarily includes the stock Android emulator, hierarchy viewer, SDK manager, and ProGuard. Algorithms AngularJS ansible Architecture Books CommandLine container convection DevOps docker English Functional Programming git golang helm hibernate java javascript JavaServer Faces kubebuilder kubernetes layout maven meteor minikube mongoDB neo4j NodeJS OpenShift operators postgreSQL primefaces python regex shell SO think tips Uncategorized Tags Cloud 5.0 2019 2020 aggregate ai Algorithms amazon android AngularJS annotations ansible anyMatch Architecture AtomicBoolean autocomplete automate aws beans best practices Books bootstrap bundle cache callable cdi centos ci Clojure code collections CommandLine command line configuration confirmation container contribution cool cordova course database datable date date component debugger debugging for chrome default methods Design design pattern DevOps devtools directions api docker email English estatistics events example exceptions faces factory Fedora filter findFirst fix foreach formatter Functional Programming genericConverter gi git golang good practices google gradle groupingBy grunt hibernate hyperkit ibm images install interceptors ios isse java java8 javascript javaserverfaces JAX-B jdk js jsf junit key kids kubebuilder kubernetes kubernets lambdas layout learn lint linux local env london macosx mandrill mapping maps Material Design math maven meteor Methods microservices minikube Minishift mobile mongoDB music neo4j node node.The Android software development kit (SDK) includes different components, including SDK Tools, Build Tools, and Platform Tools.

Brew install android sdk